Coach Management System
The Coach Management application provides a central location and powerful communication tool for managing employee and volunteer clearance. The system instantly determines clearance based on information entered by HR staff and automatically notifies coaches and administrators when items expire.
“SportsNet is very intuitive and simple to use, and I can easily pull reports on our nearly 400 coaches and the 10 items we require of them to be cleared.”
Secure certificate uploads
Accept document uploads for all the certifications you require
Enable coaches to view their own clearance records at any time
Send automatic email notification for expiring items
Post links to required courses
Add new requirements as needed
Simplified and streamlined clearance
Set sport and job-specific clearance rules
Review certifications as they are submitted
Send clearance updates and job assignment notifications
Manage staffing lists for each sport
Run detailed reports for other departments
Keep administrators informed
Grant on-demand access to clearance records and job assignments
Copy administrators on email notifications to coaches
Control access to add job assignments and update clearance records
Allow schools to view certification documents uploaded by coaches
“The time required to make sure coaches and athletes are cleared has been dramatically reduced and the accuracy has increased exponentially.”
Request a personalized demo
What can I expect?
A brief conversation to assess what SportsNet can do to help improve your clearance process
Live demo with insight into how to get the most benefit from SportsNet
Information about subscription options and pricing